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Interrupted Audio Sex Stories

70 results
By LurkyDip 647 15:03
Written by u/s1m0ns3z1 A Different Size Problem so on so !!! This is full of massive cock descriptors and comparisons to dad's tiny willy and unattractive physique so please avoid if not your thing !!! There are mentions of father being infertile and son having big balls and producing healthy sperm !!! The listener is 18 and his adopted mom is old enough to be his mom !!!
By LurkyDip 647 33:06
Script & edit by s1m0ns3z1 so on so !!! This is full of massive cock descriptors and comparisons to dad's tiny willy and unattractive physique so please avoid if not your thing !!! There are mentions of father being infertile and adopted son being potent throughout this series !!! The listener is 18 and his adopted mom is old enough to be his mom !!!
By MethodASMR 32 13:19
At this point, only you and the librarian enter the building, which has helped you come to learn more about her on a personal level. She has been consistently flirting with you, and you have been flirting back with the same amount of enthusiasm, but will you accept her offer to fuck? More audios:
By grinningpup 157 16:15
Keep it Hush Hush DISCLAIMER - All recordings are a work of fiction and belong to user GrinningPup and the affiliated authors and performers. Please don’t distribute the work via any channels that I don’t approve directly. Sharing is caring but theft is not. All characters depicted are over the age of 18 and any semblance to characters either real or fictional is entirely coincidental.