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Lap sex Audio Sex Stories

16 results
By LurkyDip 647 84:30
Written by notReallyannon Starring zoeleaves SFX from Epidemic Sound
kinda but really more to Someone on the AuralescentBaddies subreddit requested a script fill for this. so..... here ya go :) Hope you like my interpretation of this lovely script by u/Juwananyan! I am very much not a dilf but i tried to capture some of that energy lmao, hope it's hot
By Cryptidrambler 32 -19:23
Your men kidnapped a girl last night. They had it on good authority she was the hero's girl. I'm sure you thought she'd be good ransom, or at least a bargaining chip. But she woke up, broke her bonds, escaped her cell, and now she's sitting on the edge of your bed. Hi. It's me. I'm the girl.