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Let go Audio Sex Stories

19 results
By ZaneVI 53 03:52
"You've been through a lot, and the memories come back a lot, often in nightmares, and tonight was one of those night. I may not be able to take away the memories, but I'm here for you, the most amazing woman I know, and no matter what I've got you." ... This was an amazing script I found by MLKane over on Reddit (who you can find here https://www.reddit.com/user/MLKane/) and I've been looking to do something like this for a while and this script seemed perfect for it. I hope you enjoy, and feel free to check out the script here where you can find other people who also filled it (https://www.reddit.com/r/pillowtalkaudio/comments/8a5la0/script_offerf4m_youre_safe_with_me/) ... I now have a google form for anonymous feedback and I would love to hear back about what you like or dislike, or just how much you enjoyed listening to my audios, so please click on the link and let me know your thoughts, or really anything you want to let me know (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFKzYXSl8FCMz3FQWfNQywde048KbHT7VRgFYSyKAIoqQCXA/viewform?usp=sf_link) ... You can find me on Twitter (https://twitter.com/ZaneVI4) and for more of my work, both SFW and NSFW here is my subreddit: (https://www.reddit.com/user/ZaneVI) and community subreddit: (https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Wolfs_Den/) ... And my own website where I'll be posting my writing: (https://zanevi4.blogspot.com/) and if you want to get early access to new audios I also now have a Patreon you can join that will also help support me and my work (patreon.com/ZaneVI)
By RuthieRen 366 23:14
Shhh. It's all right. Shh. Do you miss Master? He'll be back soon. The affairs of the market take him away to the city for a few nights sometimes. But ... he left you chained by your ankle to the bed ... in my arms ... so I can keep you warm and safe while he's away. No. Kitten, no. You're NEVER going to be sold again. You're home now. And if Master ever wanted to sell you, I wouldn't let him! Oh you sweet frightened girl. You are MY little kitten. Master bought you for ME to play with. Didn't he tell you? He knew I was lonely. And he saw how sad and lonely you looked in the slaver's pavilion, like you would just cry if someone didn't take you home and wrap you in a warm blanket. Written by the ravenous, generous growly u/Ravishagirl and Editted by a master himself u/Kilbeggan32 , both of Reddit! Add'l Tags:
Script Summary: This story happens after you've had a big argument with your significant other. You stop by their place to make up and apologise. The two of you then cuddle on the bed and you open up about how you feel so empty without them. As you cry in their arms, you let your emotions pour out. Script by u/4tuneKukee
By AussieAudio 68 -08:22
You’re Not a Burden Maybe you feel like you don’t have anyone to talk to about it. Maybe you don’t want to feel like you’re bothering or burdening someone. It’s okay to have a moment just to yourself. An incredibly valuable script by u/littlebluewriter. This script was written and performed for adults, by adults. All characters are 18+. More of my recordings in my masterpost.