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Advice to masturbators Audio Sex Stories

29 results
By onania_org 140 30:56
Most of my podcasturbations are male oriented, as only male addicted masturbators really understand how each other feels. In this program I offer some insight about male chronic masturbation to ladies who may have questions or concerns about the behavior of their partners. I respectfully offer ladies advice about how they may turn the solitary fixation of their partners into a positive dynamic that deepens and cements a relationship. I also masturbate up a storm while pontificating.       
By onania_org 140 35:57
Podcasturbation ##08-0617: Fundamentals of Edging for Newly Chronic Masturbators I recently read a sad fact in a masturbation survey: only 9% of straight male masturbators go for more than 20 minutes before ejaculating. Any seriously chronic masturbator feels pity for males unaware of the basic technique of edging and life's greatest pleasure: extended near-orgasmic bliss. In fact, I might argue that the practice of edging is what separates the true chronic masturbator from a merely recreational masturbator. This got me to thinking that we need a Public Service Announcement for newly-chronic masturbators to introduce them to the art of edging. This podasturbation is intended to fill that need. (There are some silence gaps in this recording.)      
By onania_org 140 28:21
Podcasturbation #15-0126: Introduction to Moaning / Gooning for Masturbators 101 This podcasturbation covers the fundamentals of masturbatory vocalization. We describe masturbatory best practices of moaning, groaning, and gooning, in order to amplify the physical gratification of masturbation. We consider why some masturbators may miss this enhanced level of pleasure, due to shyness, embarrassment, or misplaced male role modeling. If you are a silent masturbator, you will gain insight to your inhibitions and gain gratification-enhancing vocal skills. If you are already a moaner/groaner/gooner you will enjoy the opportunity to practice your vocalization technique along with me.          Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
By onania_org 140 42:42
Podcasturbation #17-0607: Pussy Penetration Anxiety Disorder We discuss PPAD, or Pussy Penetration Anxiety Disorder, a condition often afflicting chronic masturbators. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Masturbatory Disorders this is recognized as the loss of erection, failure to erect, or premature ejaculation when presented with a penetrable pussy. We review the scientific knowledge about the condition and the generally poor prognosis for recovery.  Masturbators are advised that the subject may cause sexual arousal in PPAD sufferers and lead to an uncontrollable need to ejaculate. Prior to beginning the program, please be in a safe and private space. Furthermore, please review Warning for the Satire-Impaired            Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
By onania_org 140 35:11
Podcasturbation #10-0725: It's Soooo Humiliating! For some of us, it's deliciously humiliating to be a chronic masturbator. Many chronic masturbators enjoy videos featuring humiliation by females. Some have wondered if there were any videos featuring males humiliating masturbators. In this podcasturbation I attempt to satisfy that need. And please understand, that I humiliate you not for my own pleasure, but for yours.        
By onania_org 140 25:01
Podcasturbation #11-0101: When did you stop stopping? Most chronic addicted masturbators have tried to kick the habit at one time. Many of us have struggled for control, only to lose the battle repeatedly. Eventually, we give up and stop trying to stop masturbating. When did you give up? When did you finally accept the inevitability of your addiction? When did you "stop stopping?"       Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
By onania_org 140 24:37
Podcasturbation #09-0201: Understanding Masturbation Addiction In the podcasturbation I offer understanding of masturbation addiction. Not understanding in the clinical or medical sense; rather in the intimate personal sense of sympathetic support.  I know, from long personal experience, what it is to live silently with addiction to masturbation, unable to speak about this most important thing in our lives and cut off from fellows who share our experiences. Masturbators crave understanding, and together we can provide it.    Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
By onania_org 140 33:30
If you say to a normal male, "Why don't you just go fuck yourself?", you are likely in for trouble. But to a chronic masturbator, the question is an invitation to go enjoy what he loves best. As masturbators we know that there is an always-willing "fuckbuddy" waiting between our own legs, and we can't wait to go "fuck" ourselves.  This podcasturbation explores the complex relationship we have with our fuckbuddy and the things we and it do together.          Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
By onania_org 140 58:43
In this long podcasturbation I provide a discussion of edging and an introductory exercise. It is aimed at the newly chronic masturbator who is inexperienced with edging or having trouble getting the hang of it. Surgeon General's Warning: Edging may be habit forming and lead to incurable masturbation addiction; listen at your own risk      
By onania_org 140 45:35
Podcasturbation #10-0922: Red Light / Green Light Orgasm Control Do sometimes ejaculate prematurely when you edge? Do you lose control and orgasm before you mean to? Is the male ejaculatory urge too much for you to resist? Do you feel like a pathetic lonely jerk-off who can't hold his cum? Masturbator, let's face it, you're a little short in the self discipline department. (You wouldn't be a masturbator if you had any will power, would you?)       Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
By onania_org 140 22:43
It's OK, admit it: you are addicted to masturbation. If you have recently realized that you are addicted, having trouble admitting it to yourself, or just suspect that you might be addicted, listen to this podcasturbation. It will help you recognize, admit, and accept your masturbation addiction.      
By onania_org 140 36:06
Feeling tired, listless, withdrawn, irritable? You know what's wrong: You've been ejaculating too much again, haven't you? You need someone to set boundaries, limits. Someone to say "stop, before you ejaculate again!", someone who demands "What part of No Cumming don't you understand?"     Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
By onania_org 140 28:39
Critics of chronic masturbation claim that masturbating too much causes exhaustion and emotional depression. But current scientific research clearly shows that it is not masturbating too much, but rather ejaculating to excess that is debilitating. In this podcasturbation we take a look at the causes, effects, and treatment of Hyper-Ejaculation Syndrome (H.E.S). An understanding of HES and how to manage our personal ejaculation needs is essential for healthy chronic mastubating.        Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
By onania_org 140 20:45
Podcasturbation #10-0427: Warning: Do not exceed recommended usage of penis It is very important for every chronic masturbator to maintain a healthy, sustainable level of usage of his penis. The level varies from masturbator to masturbator, but each of us has a maximum recommended level that we should not exceed. Of course, the penis will urge us to masturbate more and more, even to unsafe levels of usage, but we must resist. The results of excessive penis use include exhaustion, depression, and mental impairment (also called Penis Brain). This podcasturbation addresses these important issues.          Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
By onania_org 140 15:39
Podcasturbation #08-0511a: I'd like to ask you a personal question: Are you a masturbator? - Part 1 A podcasturbation questionnaire in 3 parts. I go over the warning signs of masturbation addiction and ask you to consider whether they apply. I illustrate with my own experiences. Each part ends with my orgasm, and perhaps yours as well.        Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
By onania_org 140 22:52
Podcasturbation #08-0803: Controlling the Urge to Ejaculate A critical success factor for chronic masturbation is to control the natural male urge to ejaculate. This podcasturbation explores why and how we do so. As always, the listener is invited to join me in a hands-on demonstration.       Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
By onania_org 140 26:38
Podcasturbation #08-0511b: I'd like to ask you a personal question: Are you a masturbator? - Part 2 A podcasturbation questionnaire in 3 parts. I go over the warning signs of masturbation addiction and ask you to consider whether they apply. I illustrate with my own experiences. Each part ends with my orgasm, and perhaps yours as well.        Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
By onania_org 140 17:17
Podcasturbation #08-0511c: I'd like to ask you a personal question: Are you a masturbator? - Part 3 A podcasturbation questionnaire in 3 parts. I go over the warning signs of masturbation addiction and ask you to consider whether they apply. I illustrate with my own experiences. Each part ends with my orgasm, and perhaps yours as well.        Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/