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Pathetic [shame Audio Sex Stories

10 results
By onania_org 140 45:36
Nearly every masturbator has at sometime encountered the shroud of shame that often surrounds the act of masturbation. In the teasing of teenagers, jokes in books or movies, disapproval of parents or religious figures, prohibition by athletic coaches and scout leaders, casual insults equating masturbation with ineffectualness (what a jerk-off!), etc. Even if the masturbator has never or no longer feels a personal shame for his habit, he can not escape being touched at some point by societies opprobrium. This podcasturbation is dedicated to that aspect of our vocation, and even revels in the naughtiness of it all.      
By onania_org 140 17:56
Podcasturbation #16-1121A: Jerk-Shaming the Chronic Masturbator In this enlightened and politically correct era, we know not to shame people. No fat-shaming, body-shaming, queer-shaming, etc. But some people are still fair game for the shaming-bullies: chronic masturbator jerk-offs like you..           Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
By onania_org 140 35:11
Podcasturbation #10-0725: It's Soooo Humiliating! For some of us, it's deliciously humiliating to be a chronic masturbator. Many chronic masturbators enjoy videos featuring humiliation by females. Some have wondered if there were any videos featuring males humiliating masturbators. In this podcasturbation I attempt to satisfy that need. And please understand, that I humiliate you not for my own pleasure, but for yours.        
By onania_org 140 25:01
Podcasturbation #11-0101: When did you stop stopping? Most chronic addicted masturbators have tried to kick the habit at one time. Many of us have struggled for control, only to lose the battle repeatedly. Eventually, we give up and stop trying to stop masturbating. When did you give up? When did you finally accept the inevitability of your addiction? When did you "stop stopping?"       Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
By onania_org 140 26:05
The second most common urge among nearly all chronic masturbators (after the obvious one) is to "confess" his/her masturbation addiction to someone. It does not matter whether he is a "proud" masturbator celebrating his liberation and solosexual lifestyle, or a shameful guilty masturbator sneaking around in his private wanker closet. We all need to acknowledge, express, validate, and share this paramount dimension of our lives. In this podcasturbation I offer my personal confession and encourage you to offer yours. And yes, there is an orgasmic admission and emission at the end.       Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/