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Hooking up with your giant but caring superior.

You've been interning at your workplace for a little bit of time now. It's a nice place. your collegues are nice. but your superior is a tease. He loves to tease you about your short height, especially since he's the tallest of the department. but one night, when you're getting ready to head home, your car decides it's had enough. and while your stressing about the possibility of walking home at night, who comes out but... https://www.reddit.com/user/Maaander Soundeffects from Pixabay.com and myself
When your boyfriend comes home you show him a video of a girl, who he has been really touchy with in the gym. He claims that it was just a friend he hasn´t seen in a long time. You start to think that he might be better off with her so you want to leave. Suddenly he starts kissing you. Wanna know what really happened?
Script by: u/blueberryboopp Study break so makes you and in with lots of ’s plus It's finals season, so naturally, you’re studying away in the library. And wouldn’t you know it–your secret library admirer finally gets the courage to go up and talk to you. However, he catches you in the middle of a study break while you're listening to a very stress-relieving and very naughty GWA audio--about being fucked in a library. He decides to turn fantasy into reality and show this star student what she's been missing.