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How To Present Your Cake Properly

I was once told by someone that they could happily listen to me reading the phone book; one of the many lovely compliments that lead me to eventually come here and post audio porn. So, in the interest of testing that theory, what say you, listeners? Was I able to thrill you with my diction? Did my words fill you with satisfaction? Did I... Damn. Now I just want a slice of cake.
to To explore something new and to blow off some steam from your lack of a love life lately, you make an OnlyFans account that suddenly takes off. Shortly after, you're laid off at work, but you're still making more than enough to get by on your OF account alone. However, when your roommate asks to borrow your computer to send an email, you forget to log out first and he stumbles across your page. Perhaps, with the ice now broken, you can find a different way to blow off steam...
to slight After being kidnapped from your home by brigands, you, a princess, are saved by a roaming knight who took up the call made by your father the king to rescue you. The knight has only one request of you: a kiss. But it is a slippery slope, one that you find yourself falling down all too quickly...
Study Break so makes you and in with lots of ’s plus It's finals season, so naturally, you’re studying away in the library. And wouldn’t you know it– your secret library admirer finally gets the courage to go up and talk to you. However, he catches you in the middle of a study break while you're listening to a very stress-relieving and very naughty GWA audio about being fucked in a library. He decides to turn fantasy into reality and show this star student what she's been missing.
A year and a half ago, you encountered a man in a bar after being dumped by your co-workers on a night out. He was charming, and after a few drinks you invited him back to your place... where he pinned you down and used you like a toy for his own pleasure, like you weren't even a person. The months afterwards, you revisited that night in your head over and over, telling yourself that it was to try and overcome the trauma. But when your roommate's new boyfriend turned out to be your attacker, listening to him loudly using her like he once used you, you started to feel... different.
to to Mentions of You are a commissar in the Tethronion 2nd, a historied regiment of the Astra Militarum that hails from a hive world where the commissioned officers all come from the upper crust of society. You were recently assigned from such lauded crop to this much-craved post, straight out of the Schola Progenium, at the start of a brutal campaign to put down a rebel force that had seized control of a vital agri-world. For the last six months, you have heard tales of a veteran sergeant serving in your platoon, a man who has defied the odds countless times and won many victories in the face of almost certain defeat. And you craved him. You wanted to take this man, this mere scab from the underhive who dared win glory beyond his capability, and break him under you. But no matter how many of his fellow soldiers you flogged, whipped, or even executed over even the most minor infractions, he did not give you just cause to feel him break at your hand. Now, you have heard that your platoon is going to lead the charge in a frontal assault that will likely end in death... and you are done being patient.
In a manor house circa 1940, you are a servant girl who is having a long-standing secret affair with the master of the house. It's wartime, things are tough, but he is a good man... although he takes a certain 'approach' when it comes to his favourite girl... A note on consent: Their relationship works on the basis of her initiating an encounter (by going up to meet him in his private study) after previously teasing him in some way during her work around the house. As such, even though he is dominant during their encounters and decides what happens, she always decides if and when the encounters happen. They are therefore always mutually consensual acts with no coercion involved, even though he is the master and she is the servant. They also both know that she expects (and enjoys) any rough treatment he gives her.
Price To Pay As the leader of an infamous bandit group, bounty hunters are no new pest to you. So when your men bring a particularly inexperienced looking one to you for your tender mercies, it's really just another day in the life... but something seems strange about the man. For one, he appears far too calm...
Moonlight Victim You return home from work earlier than usual to the sound of your housemate talking with someone. Curious about the enigmatic man you've lived with for the past few months, you go to see who he is talking with... only to find horror, wearing a small smile.
of speaker right at the start After your partner cheated on you, causing a brutal break up, you decide that you want your ex to really suffer for what they did. You don't even remember where the Book came from; after a night of drinking yourself into oblivion, it was just... there. It listed strange things, rituals and warnings, and one of them catches your eye: a summoning, of a creature called the Choir Of One that specialised in matters of carnal torment. The cost was high. But to get back at your ex, there were no depths you would not sink to.
You’ve spent the whole of your day off procrastinating instead of studying for your important test tomorrow. Your boyfriend is worried your self-destructive streak is coming out again, and he plans to make sure you get your studying done and start appreciating yourself a bit more. If that means turning you into a needy, desperate mess in the process, then so much the better...
while playing You've been rushed off your feet at your job to meet a deadline, by a boss who has been harassing you to put in more work than you're being paid to do. With the weekday over, you can finally go home to your boyfriend to relax and recharge together for the first time in weeks... but he's just started a video game session with his friends, and you have no intention of waiting for him to finish to begin your weekend.