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Impotence Audio Sex Stories

7 results
By onania_org 140 -22:35
Over time, chronic masturbation (especially involving prolonged edging) impairs a male's erectile competence. Total impotence may result, though rarely. The typical subject experiences cycles of alternating penile turgidity and flaccidity during masturbation, often ejaculating with a soft penis. MIED has been termed "Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction" (PIED), but the primary etiology is habituation to the unnatural intensity of manual gratification, replacing more diffuse rewards of copulation. Eventually the masturbator is unable to maintain or even obtain erection during penetrative sex and abandons his attempts at copulation. MIED is progressive and generally irreversible, rendering the masturbator pussy-free for life. ---
By onania_org 140 42:42
Podcasturbation #17-0607: Pussy Penetration Anxiety Disorder We discuss PPAD, or Pussy Penetration Anxiety Disorder, a condition often afflicting chronic masturbators. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Masturbatory Disorders this is recognized as the loss of erection, failure to erect, or premature ejaculation when presented with a penetrable pussy. We review the scientific knowledge about the condition and the generally poor prognosis for recovery.  Masturbators are advised that the subject may cause sexual arousal in PPAD sufferers and lead to an uncontrollable need to ejaculate. Prior to beginning the program, please be in a safe and private space. Furthermore, please review Warning for the Satire-Impaired            Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
By onania_org 140 32:28
Podcasturbation #16-0519: The Post-Pussy Masturbator Are you still able to have vaginal intercourse? Or have you become a post-pussy masturbator? If not yet, you eventually will, and sooner than you think. This podcasturbation discusses the three phases of the heterosexual male masturbator: pre-pussy, intra-pussy, and post-pussy. The post-pussy phase is explored, in both its negative and positive aspects.           Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
By onania_org 140 30:55
Podcasturbation-2023-1213: Pussy-Free Enablement for Masturbators Are you pussy-free, or considering it, but feel uncertain of the choice? This podcasturbation provides advice for virgins, copulators, or post-pussy masturbators about going pussy-free. We define the benefits and identify blocking issues. We seek to enable, not convert; the choice is yours. Warning: normal males should not listen, to avoid risk of accidental pussy-free conversion.
By onania_org 140 -08:01
I often have live online "masturbator sex" with other masturbators, and my favorite subject is recalling our historical failures at normal copulation. "Fuck failures" really arouse me. This is an audio recording of my side of a masturbator-sex session, excluding the voice of the other party. He is an adult male chronic masturbator, pussy free, with a history of failed copulatory attempts. On his last attempt, a one-night stand, he was naked with a woman but could not obtain an erection. The recording begins in mid conversation and ends with my ejaculatory appreciation of his story. --- Check out my website for chronic masturbators https://onania.org/asm/ Join me live on Discord https://onania.org/asm/onania-masturbatorium-on-discord/