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Giving oral Audio Sex Stories

15 results
By JustAMaid 38 16:39
The Premise: The Party has made their way to an inn to rest and recover after yet another one of their many adventures. Songs are sung, drinks are shared, and eventually everyone retires to their own private rooms. But after the lights are out, the Warlock receives a visit from their Patron Goddess. She's here to sample her Champion's devotion and reward her for all of her hard work...
By kinkyshibby 788 36:04
Ever wonder how I'd program my sweet boy to do those things he didn't think he could ever do for me? Prepare to find out. In this session, I'll lead you well beyond the edges of your comfort zone, and prepare you for a starring role in one of my guy-on-guy fantasies. And you'll enjoy it, because I'll program you to enjoy it. While the file does not mention lube in it, I suggest you have some on hand and ready if you need it. It is in no way necessary, but absolutely encouraged that you listen to this file with a plug, dildo, or prostate toy in your ass. It's so much more intense that way!