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Many ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Important stuff ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Written by Isapeth: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/149hrid/f4mscript_offer_sister_of_battle_confesses_her/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 Performed by PrincessLovesTeasing: https://www.reddit.com/user/PrincessLovesTeasing For more + my master spreadsheet: www.princessdulci.com
By BrummieDwarf 70 -32:08
1,001 Kisses It’s the end of our kissing trilogy, and our rooftop smoochers are seeing each other after five weeks apart since you moved home. You go back to your parents’ house to hang out and have a sexy makeout session on the couch. Then you go upstairs to your bedroom, and very quietly make love so as not to wake your parents. But it’s not boring quiet sex. It’s super passionate, lusty, delicious sex with so many kisses you won’t be able to see straight.
playing Hello everyone! Here with a wonderful script that caught me off guard with how corny and amazing it is by both u/bettylaflame and u/totallynotnatalie both are absolutely fantastic writers and you should go and enjoy their work when you get the chance! But I hope you all enjoy this just as much as I enjoyed recording it, especially because my dice came in handy too :) Enjoy!
By mowhispers 38 08:11
Hello?? Are you there? Crap, voicemail. You didn’t answer. Actually, maybe I’m glad you didn’t answer. Ok, so. Oh god, maybe I shouldn’t…. Maybe I’ll just hang up. Oh, but if I just hang up you’ll just hear me being confused. You’ll just have these ramblings and maybe that’s worse. Ok, I guess I’m doing this. Where do I start? I don’t know where to start. Start at the beginning I guess. Do you remember when we watched the fireworks together? Last week? Well… it’s like… I mean, I’ve looked at you a million different times. But it was like I was seeing you for the first time. We were sitting on the beach and the way you looked caught my eye. Your head was thrown back and you were laughing and your face was lit up by the fireworks and you just looked so happy. And seeing you so happy made me happy. And I realised that I’m happiest when I’m with you. And I feel so silly that I never realised it before. It’s like it’s been staring me right in the face but I was too close to see it. And we’ve never taken that step, you know? It’s like it wasn’t even something that ever entered my mind. You were always with someone, or I was always with someone, and I guess I never looked at you that way. You were just my friend, and, to be clear, if this doesn’t go the way I want it to go, I don’t ever want you not to be my friend. It’s just, maybe…. Maybe we could be more? And now we’re both single for the first time ever, and I think maybe we’d be good together? I don’t know. My head has been in the clouds all week, I haven't been able to focus on anything. I’ve gotten no work done because I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. And all the things I like about you. All your little gestures have been swimming around my mind. The way you snort a little when something really makes you laugh*. The way you get those adorable little frown wrinkles around your eyes when you’re really focusing on something. And the way you always place me on the inside of the street when we’re walking somewhere. And the way you are so goddamn specific about how you take your tea. And the way you make everyone feel so comfortable in your presence. It’s like, It’s like you always know what I need, and you do it without even putting any thought into it. You take care of me, and it comes as naturally to you as breathing. Everything about you just makes me happy. The way you geek out about that podcast you love. And all those ridiculous graphic tees you own, they just make me smile. And the way you always carry floss because “You never know when something’s gonna get stuck in your teeth. “ The way you always fall asleep every time we put a film on. Seriously, it could be the scariest horror film and you’re just there, snoring away. It makes me laugh, how deeply you sleep, I swear the house could fall down around you and you’d happily sleep right through it. And I’ve been thinking about your hands and how comfortably they’d fit in mine. And how cosy it is when we’re just chilling on the couch and how much cosier I’d feel if we were in bed together. Sleeping, I mean if we were sleeping in the same bed. Oh god, what am I doing? Am I even making sense? It’s just, I’ve been thinking about how safe I feel when I’m around you. I’m able to be completely myself, and honestly, I can count on one hand how many people I feel that way around. And I love, I love how passionately you talk about the things you love. I could sit and listen to you wax lyrical about your stupid video games for hours. The useless lore I have learned because of you will stay in my head forever. And you’re so funny. You make me laugh so much that my cheeks hurt, and my stomach hurts, and my eyes water, and then I look at you, and you’re laughing too, and we laugh together for what feels like forever, until I have to walk away to catch my breath. You're just so, so, goddamn cute and I like you so much, and I just want to always be around you. You’re my favourite person. I just think you’re perfect, or at least, perfect for me. Maybe… I think… I hope. I’m hoping you’ll be my person. What am I doing? Anyway, that was me, bearing my heart and soul. So if you… if you feel the same, let me know, and maybe we could go out? On a date, I mean. We go out together all the time. I mean I want us to go out. This is me saying I want to take you on a date. And… and… if you don’t feel the same that’s ok. Nothing has to change. We’ll just carry on the way we’ve always been. Because your friendship is so important to me. I don’t ever want you not to be in my life, and whatever way you want to be in my life is fine with me. Ok, I’m going to go and obsessively look at my phone waiting for you to get back to me. Call me back, sooner rather than later, please? Bye.