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Quite Audio Sex Stories

36 results
By Kinkradio 160 05:56
Loki of all people shows up at a dinner/cocktail party that your family forced you to attend, all because your family have connections with the Avengers or something stupid like that. More than that, the god seems to want to....talk.....to you? Contains: Music, Comfort, Advice This audio didn't quite end up how I imagined it when I started writing it, but I actually really like it! I like sassy Loki showing up where he's not wanted, and I feel like maybe he would relate to a listener who hates going to family functions during the holidays? Now, I wouldn't say that Loki gives the most sound advice here lol, but maybe some things that you can take to heart this Holiday season? ~Audio Transcript Below~ Loki: I wonder......why are you all huddled up here alone in the corner....when a grand spectacle of a party takes place around you..... Well....there must be a reason.... *pause* Well.....if you ask me, it's because this party is the last place you want to be. And you're here without anyone else to make it at least the smallest bit more enjoyable, aren't you? *pause* Because you are not alone in that fact. *pause* Family? *scoffs* Please.....even if any of my family were left besides Thor and they were at a party I was forced to attend I would stay away from them as well...... *pause* The reason why here? As much as I am a man who enjoys talking about himself, that's not what we're doing here. *sighs* Alright, if you're so keen on knowing....I'm here because I don't like them......and I'm better than them.....and it's fun for me to remind them so..... *pause* Spite is a perfectly good reason for doing things..... *sighs* Oh please.....don't act like you're better just because you don't act upon petty and spiteful feelings and thoughts. You still the thoughts and feelings......the only difference between you and I.....is that I'm allowing myself to have fun.....since there's no other way I'm going to get it here.... I told you I don't like them......do you really need me to spell it out further? Can I tell you a secret? Nothing feels better to me, than showing up in a place where I'm not wanted.....and knocking everyone there down a peg. They're not better than me, and this helps remind them so. *pause* Own yourself and show those who would want you gone that they have no power over you. You cannot live your life forever under the shadows and the ridicule of those who claim to care and love you but do not. You will not live.... *sighs* Have you ever heard of the phrase, "Don't let others make you feel inferior without your consent?" Perhaps it's something that you should take to heart. Take it from someone who was also the black sheep of their family. *pause* Well, my situation might have been different, but you're missing the point. Family, regardless of blood or not, shouldn't make you feel the way that you are currently. It's unfortunate that you've allowed them to continue to treat you so poorly. *sighs* I know that smiting them all or enacting revenge upon them isn't an option for everyone, especially when you're a Midgardian, but you understand what I mean, yes? I forget sometimes that there are repercussions that I can avoid that others cannot. Most cannot throw tasteful but scathing comments at family or stand up for themselves without being punished. Most wouldn't be able to survive being on their own without any aid, so I recognize my privilege there. There is something to think about however..... You have those who enjoy your company yes, that provide relief from the world, that give you hope, that give you joy? Then why are you not instead of here? *pause* As I said, here because this is fun for me, causing mischief, being a relative ass as some people call me. You're here, and it's not. I daresay that it's relative to torture for you. You should go where you are celebrated, not where you are merely tolerated. Even if you can't avoid parties like this, or family events, it's important to be with those who raise you up, not put you down. *pause* *scoffs* I, better than anyone, know the difference. Just because your family or friends are 'Nice' as you say, doesn't mean that they're, 'Good'. Everyone pretends during this time of year that they're wonderful, kind, gentle people who want nothing more than peace and goodwill on this Earth. And yet, these are the people who in the same breath can cast out their families, their friends, even people they do not even know because they are percieved as different, and therefore--in their eyes--wrong. *chuckles softly* Perhaps.....but I don't perform as much villianry as I used to. Reformed I'm told.....practically a Saint..... *chuckles* Well....I still the god of mischief. I wouldn't do to ruin that part of my reputation. *pause* Now.....I suggest, that you, at your earliest convenience, gather together with those who actually treat you well and forget this night ever happened. It'll be good for you..... *pause* *laughs* And who would ever believe that? A god of mischief treating you better than the hundreds of people here.....including your own family? *pause* *sighs* I suppose you're welcome. Now stop moping and take my advice already? Now if you'll excuse me, I have more Midgardians to torment.......Which ones did you say were your family again? *chuckles* Excellent.
By ProfessorCal_ 18 19:22
Hi everyone! Last week, I would have never guessed where I'd be with you all in just a few days. The outpour of love and support is honestly mindblowing. After some time relaxing the past couple days, here's another one for you all! Much love x We're both called down to the lab in the middle of the night for some last minute work. Mistakes were made.
By kinkyshibby 788 61:37
Tick Tick Ding... Tick Tick Ding... This is the sound of your conditioning. We will start off with perfectly logical, sourced and scientific reasoning as to why this will work on you. We won't be doing standard hypnosis techniques like breathing deeply and counting down... instead, I take a page from Pavlov, conditioning you to feel arousal and sexual pleasure every time you hear the ding of my metronome. There are a LOT of dings in this file, and there is a LOT of pleasure to be found. You just have to relax, and let my voice and metronome take you deeper... Tick Tick Ding baby ;)
By ichigekiVA 38 21:55
You come home to your catboy boyfriend and in the middle of an affectionate post work reunion, you realize you may not have been careful enough to disguise your office antics. The smell of puppy boy lingers on you and is easily detected by your catboy, who takes it upon himself to remind you who your attention belongs to. >:(
By kinkyshibby 788 61:39
Tick Tick Ding... Tick Tick Ding... This is the sound of your conditioning. We will start off with perfectly logical, sourced and scientific reasoning as to why this will work on you. We won't be doing standard hypnosis techniques like breathing deeply and counting down... instead, I take a page from Pavlov, conditioning you to feel arousal and sexual pleasure every time you hear the ding of my metronome. There are a LOT of dings in this file, and there is a LOT of pleasure to be found. You just have to relax, and let my voice and metronome take you deeper... Tick Tick Ding baby ;)
By kinkyshibby 788 61:32
Tick Tick Ding... Tick Tick Ding... This is the sound of your conditioning. We will start off with perfectly logical, sourced and scientific reasoning as to why this will work on you. We won't be doing standard hypnosis techniques like breathing deeply and counting down... instead, I take a page from Pavlov, conditioning you to feel arousal and sexual pleasure every time you hear the ding of my metronome. There are a LOT of dings in this file, and there is a LOT of pleasure to be found. You just have to relax, and let my voice and metronome take you deeper... Tick Tick Ding baby ;)
Hello, Sweeteas. So, this one’s very different! It starts off with a pretty standard, short induction that you listen to as you would any other, and then it just totally goes off the rails. One of the main themes of this file is exposure, because the longer you listen, the louder you’ll chant, the louder the audio, the louder the spanking, the moans, the sounds, and the higher the chance someone will hear. This does, of course, hang on the prospect that once you’re deep in trance, you’ll listen to the suggestions and switch over the audio to speakers. What happens here is pretty straightforward: I take you deep, tell you to switch from headphones to speakers (out loud), tell you to plug yourself, to edge, to spank yourself, to squeeze your balls, to chant for me, and then maybe you’ll get to cum. It’s…really hot. Much hotter than it may sound. This file was made as a custom audio, and is being shared with permission. Visit my profile/website if you would like to find out more about my files and custom work. If you like spoilers, you can read the script. https://textbin.net/maiz7ed379 There is only one version of this file. Since most of it is meant to be listened to out loud, through a speaker of some sort (or your phone), there are no sound effects. Well, except moans. Lots of loud moans. Miss Lilith
By Glorygloryglory 15 -26:49
Tags: Music used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) Licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ Psychic Violence by Here Comes A Big Black Cloud, from Free Music Archive https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Here_Comes_A_Big_Black_Cloud/Here_Comes_A_Big_Black_Cloud/Psychic_Violence/ Graverobbin by Here Comes A Big Black Cloud, from Free Music Archive https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Here_Comes_A_Big_Black_Cloud/Pompeii/Graverobbin/ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) Licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
Other tags: Pet names/Degrading named used: Sweetie, Sweetheart, Honey, *Puppy, *Sick Puppy, Bitch, Slut. (*puppy is used as a pet name/degrading term but NO pet play is really involved.) No specific descriptors used for the Listener. They have “pretty eyes, hair, and body” and a “pretty voice.” Synopsis: Speaker comes down to Listener’s ‘room’ to have a little chat with them after hearing them over the cameras the night before… This wonderfully dark psychotic script was written by u/itherik on reddit. I'm a fan of your scripts and the dark twists they take I had a lot of fun trying to embrace the psychosis within this character. (I swear I'm in therapy and not psychotic...) I'm Fate you can find me r/chooseyourfateaudio and u/chooseyourfateaudio there you can upvote, comment, message me as well as multiple other ways you can support me. Messaged from Fate to you(the listener): sometimes life doesn't give us aftercare sometimes we just have to pick ourselves up and keep going through the pain. If you are stuck in your own "basement" in life then I suggest you fight. Life wants to beat you down to make you feel like you have no strength left. Keep fighting keep pushing show life you won't take anymore of it's abuse. Have a great one Bye I'm Fate