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By Kinkradio 160 12:17
The fact that it's become too much has hit you all at once, and you've hidden yourself in the one place you know people won't come looking. Contains: Confessions, Comfort, Emotions, Cuddling Muriel comfort! I know he's not that good with words, but he tries, damnit. But yes, people wanted the big mountain man to cuddle and hold them, and I tried to deliver with some comfort and encouragement! I had fun with this script because Muriel is my favorite in Arcana lol. I hope you all enjoy! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Muriel: *door opens* I'm back Inanna. *pause* Inanna? Did you leave somehow? *slightly louder* Inanna? *dog whine* W-what? Inanna....what--- what's going on? Are they--? Are you......are you alright? What happened? Are you hurt, are you--? *gasps softly* I--I don't---where....where does it hurt? *pause* *swallows* Y-you're.....you're not injured.....then why are you? Oh.....please.....here....please....d-don't cry....I.......here......let me........will.....I mean.....do you....want to be.....touched......if you'd rather I not I can.....I can leave and..... *dog bruff* Yes....right....alright......here......let me..... *huffs a breath* Oh.....I......hey now.....uh.......shhhh....shh......it's......it's alright.....let it--let it out......take your time..... *long pause* So you're sure you're not injured anywhere.....? *swallows* Alright....yes....forgive me....I'll just......hold....you...... *long pause* Do you.....wish to.....talk about....what's going on.....? If---if you don't you don't have to, I simply...... *pause* I.....I see....... *longer pause* Well.....d-do you wish to know.....what I think? I....I know that from the looks of everything that.....everything is all....resting on your shoudlers.......but you do know that.....you don't have to endure it all alone? You have Nadia.....you have Asra....when he is around and.....Faust and......well...... *swallows* You have.....me...... *dog bruff?* Yes, and Inanna.......she's been taking care of for.....who knows how long..... That's just it though......I know it's hard to remember and it feels like you're alone, but you're not.....you have....a support system.......some who are ready....and willing.....to....die....for you....... If need be...... *pause* *breathes* *softly* I.....I don't know what I would do if I lost you either..... That's why....I'm willing.....to help keep you safe.....to help you keep this world safe...... I'm not going to give less of myself to you than I have to anything else in my life..... *pause* ...Especially the gladiator games...... You......you've given me more purpose.......more..... than anything else......you.....*swallows* You make me nervous....and embarrassed....and sad....and worried.....but also....happy and....content....and--- For the longest time....before you.....I was content with living with everyone forgetting me.....with everyone leaving me alone...... *pause* But that's the thing.....you......inserted yourself into my life.....you showed me.......kindness and softness that wasn't pity.....you've.....you've never feared me despite.....how I look....you.....also asserted yourself without fear.....you've talked back to me, you've talked me out of doing things that weren't smart.....you......treated me like I was.....someone who was....who was......worthwhile.....who was.....worthy....of your attention......even outside of....... *pause* Well.....to me....it seems....it felt.....it like you.....you want to spend time with me.....not because it's convenient for you or......you just using me because I'm useful it...... It feels like you come to me because you genuinely enjoy my company and that you like me and trust me and.......I..... to you...... And....and I haven't felt that way.....in a long time...... I've been used to feeling useful....and only that.....but...... No....what I......what you.....when I'm with you....I don't think I've ever felt.....what I feel when you're here.....when you're around..... Seeing you hurt.....even....emotionally......perhaps......especially emotionally....fills me with sadness and worry and....some dread.....because.....if you're physically injured....I feel as though....there is at least that I can do to help you.... Emotionally.....I'm afraid I'm terrible at emotional things......and....I never know what to say......or how to say it.....and......I don't feel like I can......adequately.....provide help....... *pause* I.....I am? You think.......I do? *pause* I....I think Asra said that to me once.....that....for someone who seems as though I don't care.....I care immensely..... I....I do....for those.....who are close to me.....for those who matter to me.....I....I care..... ...... I wish I could ease your mind.....and completely lift this....this weight off your shoulders.......but at the very least.....I can help make it.....at least a little more bearable.....for you.... *pause* I....I am....helping? *huffs a soft laugh* I....well....I'm glad....that......being here....for you.....helps......and know that........you....you matter....to me.....so....so very much and.......I would do........to help you..... I mean it.......anything....... Even if it's just for me to hold you.....even if it's for this place to be somewhere where you can escape and not worry for a while......I'll be here.....and......I'll do my best to help you........any way you need...... *pause* You're going to do it......I know you are.....there's.....something about you....whenever I see you......when I see the amazing things that you do.....as well as.....well the no so incredible things......I think....."They're different.....there's something about them that.......that makes me believe that......everything is going to be alright in the end....." You.....you may not believe in yourself......but......do you believe in me? *pause* Then....believe in me.....who believes in you.......you can do it.......I know it.......
By Kinkradio 160 10:21
You're a little late to a rendezvous with Julian, and he seems.....way more agitated about it that he should be..... Contains: Yelling, Hurt/Comfort, Insecurities, Confessions Hooray for hurt Julian! I thought he would be a nice character to experiment with stress as well as a character who bottles their emotions up, for good reasons, and them kind of taking them out on the listener and then talking about it, so hopefully that comes across! But yes, be aware that there is a part where Julian raises his voice for those who are sensitive to that! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Julian: Where have you been? I thought we were going to meet here half an hour ago? *pause* Nadia, eh? *under his breath* always fucking her..... Forget it.....I think that we should reconsider our meeting.....there are some things that I have to---- *pause* Look....I'm a very busy man and--- *a little snarky* Well....I apologize if I seem a little frazzled and rude but it makes sense considering the circumstances...... Now if you please, let me pass..... *pause* *slightly frantic* What's wrong? *chuckles wrly* What's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong! Look, you've been ordered by Nadia to find me and bring me in so that I can be killed for what I've "allegedly" done. You're being backed by what is essentially royalty, and here I am, wondering every second if this is all some sort of elaborate ruse and at any moment guards are going to descend down upon me and I'll be taken and I'll be killed. And now, when we were supposed to have our meeting, you tell me you're late because of Nadia, so forgive me that I might be a little angry and stressed around you! *pause* .......Oh, oh gods, I'm.......f-fuck. I'm so sorry I--- *startled noise* I----with----the......right.....Oh gods....I didn't...... *pause* I......no I.....I didn't mean to---- *pause* No....no you're right......that was......that was....incredibly cruel of me...... I....I didn't.....*sighs* There's....not really an excuse.....I...I'm sorry.....that I yelled.....I...... *pause* Yes.....the.....the things I spoke about.....are true......there are times when.....when we're together.....that a voice in the back of my head is screaming at me that this....this.........comfort I feel when we're......together it.....it's all a lie.....and it's all going to come crashing down around me...... But there.....is another voice that......that reminds me that not everyone in the world is out to get me.....and that voice......is harder to listen to sometimes, when it feels like everything I do is actively being watched, being tested.....and at a moments notice I could be.....well........ I know my apology isn't much, and.....I don't expect you to forgive me, I--- *pause* What? N-No....I.....I didn't----mean to.....well that I knew how you'd react....I.......*sighs weakly* gods I'm just....... I'm just a mess, aren't I? I apologize.....again...... *long pause* After everything that's happened, it's.....very hard for me to trust others........and.....you came along.....and........I....... for you and...... *softly* I'm terrified that something is going to happen, and it'll be like someone shouting, "Haha! You thought you could have some shred of happiness in your life after what you did! You're a fool!" and then taking it all away....... It just.....feels like I'm constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop...... *sighs* Gods I can't imagine how stressful this is for you either.......having to work for Nadia.....having to decide whether or not been telling the truth to you this entire time.....whether or not worth risking yourself over.....it.....*sighs* gods I'm such an idiot...... *pause* *chuckles softly* thank you for the confirmation....... *sighs* Me yelling at you for something you really didn't have a choice in doesn't look very good on my part....to say the least.......I......can only really say that I apologize again......I don't have.....much to offer better than that...... *pause* You're.....glad that I told you? You can't possibly---- The yelling part? T-that's all you had......problems with? .....and the blaming you part.....right....yes......I apolo--- *clears throat* I.....well....that....might be difficult to maintain....the....not apologizing.....but I will try my best...... So.....you don't mind that I......said how I've been feeling? *pause* That is.....*exhales* Not what I expected...... *pause* Well.....for so long.....anything I had to tell anyone that wasn't positive was......used against me.....so I got used to just.....bottling it up inside and dealing with it myself.....or......not dealing with it.....as you saw earlier...... I got so.....angry because....... I told you before how much I care......and.....you've returned the sentiment.......but like I said there's this voice that screams to me that this is all too good to be true.....that I'm not deserving of someone.....like you.....and.....*sighs* *pause* I know....it's....not particularly healthy to keep all those feelings inside.....but you must understand.....you......have been really the only person as of late in my life that even cared to hear my side of things, who ever really cared about and....not about my work....not about what happened....... I'm to make things right.....you must understand.....but it's......not as easy as it might sound.....there are.....so many things in the works around here that not even know what they all are and what they stand for....... I honestly can't imagine what.....it must be like for you.....with....your memories and----- *sighs* ......there's.....the voice is screaming now that I've ruined everything......and that the only positive thing in my life now is going to leave due to my own misgivings and my own faults...... *pause* You know as well as I do that thinking positively is much, harder than it seems......easier said than done........ *pause* 'It doesn't mean that we shouldn't still fight for it.....' *sighs* gods....you're right.....as always I....... Thank you for.....for always helping me and.......for putting up with me and.....for.....caring about me...... I promise that......I will do my best to never lash out at you again.......I don't know if I can promise to do it again.....because I'm not sure that that will be true.....but what I can promise it to try with all my might to not do so because.....you mean quite a lot to me.....and I don't know what I would do if I truly hurt you.......and I don't want to lie to you either.....in this moment.....that's how I truly feel....... *chuckles ruefully* I suppose....that is all we can ask for now...... And......thank you......for being here....... *pause* Well.....if you're still of a mind......I know that a certain baker has a special on bread today........
Hii (。>\\<) im back to posting free use stuff again.. through this ones a bit more forceful? (ó﹏ò。) i come home and you are immediately rushing me.. you pick me up, carry me, and quickly throw me onto a bed.. before i can tease you, youre shoving a gag in my mouth and tying my hands to the headboard.. im just there to be used as stress relief (。>\\<).. and when youre done.... you just leave me there.. when you come back again.. im begging a bit more.. i just want to cum.... and i say ill do anything if youll let me.. ..im confused when youre done.. but i did say id do anything (。>\\<).. i really hope the synopsis makes sense (。>\\<) im not sure how else to describe it.. ((also if you wanna hear more of my exclusive stuff, get audios early, or make requests i have a patreon @ TeddyBoyAudios))
As long as we’re finally telling the truth, get this in your head, daddy.  I will never fuck you.  Ever. No girl like me will ever want to fuck you, understand? Maybe If you had the balls to stand up for yourself. If you had any shred of self-respect or knew how to act like a man…you wouldn’t be in this situation. But instead, you’re just gonna sit there and cry in your cage and let me treat you like trash. Listen to me, daddy.  You’re going to keep going to work.  You’re going to give me all your money. You’re going to pay for my dates and keep buying the skimpy little outfits that I wear at the club. And while random guys are using my wet little cunt in a filthy bathroom, you’ll be at home… in your cage… doing my laundry, and cleaning my toilet! Think about it, daddy.  All those guys can cum in me whenever they want--while you never get to cum… ever. Don’t you get it yet, daddy? You can’t leave me. You’re addicted to me.
By vera_monroe_ 49 -10:59
This great script was composed by u/MyNameMadeYouSmiley This hot girl desperately wants to be yours. She wants to be your little whore, slut, and bitch, all in one.She wants you to dominate her and do whatever you want to her. Listen to her making herself cum hard, while fantasizing about you... ___________________________________________________ This is a work of fiction created by adults for adults 18+
Here you are at my door once again. Back for more are you, Princess? You hate me, don't you? You hate me with every fibre of your being. You never want to see me again. But you can't stay away. Even now that you're married, you can't stay away from me. You need me. You need me for what I do to you; for how I fuck you. It doesn't matter how much abuse I hurl. It doesn't matter how much pain I inflict. It doesn't matter how many times I knock you up. You keep coming back for more. You could stop any time. I'm not forcing you to come to me. You could just walk away and wash your hands of all of it. But I know you never will.
By SyrupIsNecessary 7 -32:35
Walk along the beach with me this evening. Let me guide you through a descriptive induction then progressive relaxation. I'm going to take you out into the water where you are going to float with me and follow my instructions to feel pleasure. Induction is 19 mins. The aim of this recording is HFO but no one is going to stop you using your hands.
By ZaneVI 53 16:53
"Hey, I want to have a talk tonight, tonight, tonight for me anyways, and yeah I'll be up a little late, but that's fine, I just want to talk about something is all." So, I'm not super comfortable with comfort audios, go figure there, but I wanted to try and do something, especially since I know right now is a tough time and that a lot of people are being hard on themselves, and if your listening to this and it's not long enough (one of my concerns) then feel free to rewind and let me know it needs to be longer, I'm flying blind here really. I hope this helps, I really do, the story is true by the way, and there's more about my story on Twitter and soon to be more on my website. I hope everyone's doing all right, and I hope your all staying safe, take care please. If you want to give me feedback anonymously, I know have this google form, so feel free to use it, for anything, not just feedback, I'll never know who sent the message unless you tell me in the message: (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFKzYXSl8FCMz3FQWfNQywde048KbHT7VRgFYSyKAIoqQCXA/viewform?usp=sf_link) You can find me on Twitter (https://twitter.com/ZaneVI4) and for more of my work, both SFW and NSFW here is my subreddit: (https://www.reddit.com/user/ZaneVI) and community subreddit: (https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Wolfs_Den/) and my own website where I'll be posting my writing: (https://zanevi4.blogspot.com/)
By sloth215 18 02:49
I Know Your r/SluttyConfessions Are About Me ♡
By spencers_corner 16 -04:20
Cum with me, I'll count us down :) "Can you do that for me? Can you cum when I tell you to?" Had to get a short session in before I made dinner...figured I could bring you along while I imagine you're fucking me into the bed, holding the vibe on me, over stimming me...hope you enjoy! xxx spence names used: baby, good boy, brat (once) toys: vibrator wand and dildo
By AussieAudio 68 -15:41
Help Me Relax After Work countdonw to the mentions of It’s been such a long day at work. Nothing helps me relax better than you getting yourself off for me. You’ll do that for me, won’t you? Good girl. This Improv was performed for adults, by an adult. All characters are 18+. More of my recordings in my masterpost.